Wednesday, February 24, 2010
lost observations
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
old hangouts and new babies
After a pizza lunch and a four-hour car ride home, Joyce and I made one last stop to see Melissa and Cheri's new condo, which is super close and makes me quite excited for many dinner parties together.
Monday, February 22, 2010
necklace love

Saturday, February 13, 2010
so, wanna be my bridesmaid?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
happy birthday, chris!

Happy Birthday!!! xxox
lost observations
Before we begin this next installment of Observations Made While Watching Lost, can someone please, please, pretty please suggest another name besides "Lost Observations" or the even more verbose "Observations Made While Watching Lost?" Hello, boring. Any thoughts on that would be much appreciated.
And now, on with it....
So last night, Dorna made us an awesome dish that was full of eggplant and tomatoes and garlic and eggs. We ate it with whole wheat pita's, while watching the opening credits and it was so so good. Unfortunately, I kind of forgot to take a photo. Next time!
Here's what we thought throughout:
- Sayid is alive! As Jacob! We think. Whatever, we called it.
- Claire is back! And in LA! Pregnant?
- Of course Kate is going to bring back Sawyer. And of course, she can be "very convincing."
- Why does Claire want her suitcase so bad?
- I wish I could be totally unflinching if someone stuck a gun in my face too, mechanic-guy.
- John wonders why Kate can steal a cab and leave Claire on the street, but then feels guilty when she sees a stuffed whale?
- Explains why Claire wanted her suitcase, though.
- Dorna says that the hippie-looking guy is named Lennon, which is way, way lame.
- I wonder if, while Sayid is being tortured he's thinking: Karma.
- Now Claire, why would you get in the car with someone who 2 scenes ago pointed a gun at you?
- Kate is still way too Joey Potter for me to handle. I don't care if she's a "criminal."
- Dorna loves the fact that the guy helping Kate and Jin find Sawyer is the creator of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- If Always Sunny in Philadelphia guy was the one who Kate hit before escaping the cages, then does that mean that these guys are Others? So they're NOT new characters, then? Confused.
- Jack is always trying to save the day. And it's annoying.
- Sayid really trusts Jack?
- The pill looks like Ginko Biloba.
- Honestly, I thought that when Aaron's almost-adoptive mom opened the door, she would be someone we knew.
- So it made me feel better when Ethan was her doctor.
- There are lots of creepy-looking people on this show, btw.
- Also, why does it seem like Ethan's lying when he says that Claire doesn't have to deliver the baby right away?
- Poor Sawyer, maybe he really loved Juliet.
- The Ginko Biloba is actually Poison.
- Why in the world would Claire give Criminal Kate her credit card?
- Because she's just going to cancel it later, obvs, say John and Dorna.
- Maybe Sayid is actually the black-shirted guy (which a friend I talked to this weekend kept calling Esau), and maybe black doesn't mean evil, afterall?
- Finally they let Jack in on the fact that Claire's his sister.
- Always Sunny Guy is shot, by Claire!
Overall thoughts: This show felt alot like filler. It seemed to be setting up a few of the subplots and was there for some explanation but mostly to keep moving the show forward.
What were your thoughts on the episode?

Friday, February 5, 2010
happy world nutella day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
and so starts the final season...